Monday, 19 April 2010


Catching up on the Leeds scene has brought the Test Space team to the old T K Maxx shop in the old Bond Street centre (you may know it as Leeds Shopping Plaza).
We had looked at what Leeds is doing for art, design, fashion, any creative endeavour and seen Art in unusual spaces. A great initiative to put art in unused shop spaces in Leeds, excellent.
Inside the shopping centre there were a two exhibitions. One on the ground floor, this used the window fronts of about 7 shop units as spaces for artists. The installation piece with flickering light and origami hanging to create freaky, spooky bat at night feel.
Then came he Floppelgangers.
A fantastic exhibition created using mostly material left in the space. It is a big space and the artists have tried to use all of it. Performance, installations and hung work of all kinds. Particularly the lighting piece that used the ceiling lighting tiles. Most encouraging was the artists resourceful use of what was to hand. It felt light and friendly, even if we had to stand outside and wait for exhibition to open.
A good time was had by all.

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